We believe great things happen when people come together

The SEC works with some of the best organisers to deliver great events, and across our blog series, we get to know them better and use their expertise to gain industry insight.

In our blog series “A wee chat with…” the SEC has a quick-fire Q&A with event professionals to get an insight into their working life and their event, plus getting their views on Glasgow and the venue.


A wee chat with... Jordan Gorman, Event Organiser

At the SEC, we're always looking to champion the future of event management and love supporting ambitious individuals. In this case, we wanted to take the time to speak with Jordan Gorman, who turned his passion for trading cards into a Scottish-focused event, using the SEC to host his annual exhibition.

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A wee chat with… Sean Murray, Head of Marketing at SEC

As a marketing team, we take great satisfaction in seeing tickets sell, profiles being raised, and products being launched successfully as a result of our activations. 

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A wee chat with Nick Noble, Event Director at Future

We caught up for a wee chat to get Nick’s top tips for regionalising a show. Nick Noble, Event Director at Future, has led the Homebuilding & Renovating Show for 30 years. They currently run in 7 locations including at the SEC, having first partnered with us in 2004.

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A wee chat with Jill Wadge, Team Manager for Conferences & Exhibitions

For us, collaborative working with our clients has always been a point of pride. Our incredible event management team knows this more than most, working as an extension of our clients’ teams day in day out to deliver events that keep the hugely diverse range of audiences in Scotland flocking back to the SEC’s halls.

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A wee chat with...Our Community Champions

The SEC is privileged to support a huge variety of sectors through our incredible roster of events, but we’re equally as passionate about our place in Glasgow and the broader Scottish community. Our home city is a huge part of what makes us special, and we like to give back to it whenever we can.

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A wee chat with... Country Living Christmas Fair

At the SEC, our commitment to our clients is a source of pride, evident in our longstanding partnerships with many of them. One such relationship is with the Country Living Fair, an event that has chosen our campus as its host venue since 2004.

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